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- Park, Y. W. & Gentzler, A. L. (2023). Parenting and courage: Mediating role of self-esteem and emotion regulation among adolescents. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 87, 101558. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.appdev.2023.101558
- Romm, K, F., Park, Y. W., Hughes, J. L., & Gentzler, A. L. (2021). Risk and Protective Factors Changes for Changes in Adolescent Psychosocial Adjustment during COVID-19. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 31, 546-559. https://doi.org/10.1111/jora.12667
- Morrow, K. E., Gentzler, A. L., Wilson, T. K., Romm, K. F., & Root, A. E. (2021). Maternal depression and socialization of children’s positive affect regulation. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 30, 2413-2426. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10826-021-02045-8
- Wilson, T. K. & Gentzler, A. L. (2021). Emotion regulation and coping with racial stressors among African Americans across the lifespan. Developmental Review, 61,100967. doi.org/10.1016/j.dr.2021.100967
- Gentzler, A. L., DeLong, K., Palmer, C. A., & Huta, V. (2021). Hedonic and Eudaimonic Motives to Pursue Well-being in Three Samples of Youth. Motivation and Emotion, 45, 312-326. doi.org/10.1007/s11031-021-09882-6
- Moilanen, K., DeLong, K., Spears, S., Gentzler, A. L., & Turiano, N. (2021). Predictors of initial status and change in self-control during the college transition. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 73, doi.org/10.1016/j.appdev.2020.101235
- Hughes, J. L., Morrow, K., Spears, S., & Gentzler, A. L. (2021). Mothers’ and children’s depression is linked through children’s attachment security. Infant and Child Development, 30, e2208. doi: 10.1002/icd.2208
- Romm, K. F., Turiano, N. A., Metzger, A., & Gentzler, A. L. (2020). Transitions in risk-behavior profiles among first-year college students. Journal of American College Health. doi.org/10.1080/07448481.2020.1846048
- Palmer, C. A., Oosterhoff, B., & Gentzler, A. L. (2020). Don’t worry, be happy: Associations between worry and positive emotion regulation. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41811-020-00081-8
- Moran, K. M. & Gentzler, A. L. (2020). Why did you do that? Because I thought it would work! The role of perceived effectiveness in adolescent emotion regulation. Journal of Scientific Psychology, 29-40. Moran & Gentzler, 2020, whydidyoudothat
- Gentzler, A. L., DeLong, K. L. , & Smart, R. (2020). Theater majors compared with nonmajors: Investigating temperament and emotion beliefs, awareness, regulation, and perception. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 14(3), 301-312. https://doi.org/10.1037/aca0000219
- Gentzler, A. L., Palmer, C. A., Ford, B. Q., Moran, K. M., & Mauss, I. (2019). Valuing happiness in youth: Associations with depressive symptoms and well-being. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 62, 220-230. PDF
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- Moran, K. M., Root, A. E., Vizy, B. K., Wilson, T. K., & Gentzler, A. L. (2019). Maternal socialization of children’s positive affect regulation: Associations with children’s savoring, dampening, and depressive symptoms. Social Development, 28, 326-322. PDF
- Palmer, C. A. & Gentzler, A. L. (2019). Age-related differences in savoring across adulthood: The role of emotional goals and future time perspective. Journal of Happiness Studies, 20, 1281-1304. PDF
- Ramsey, M. A., Moran, K. M., Pubal, A., & Gentzler, A. L. (2018). Parent-child relationships and happiness across cultures. In M. Demir and N. Sumer (Eds.), Close Relationships and Happiness across Cultures (pp. 41-54), in A. Della Fave (Series Ed.), Cross-cultural Advancements in Positive Psychology. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-
- Ford, B. Q., Lwi, S. J., Gentzler, A. L., Hankin, B., & Mauss, I. B. (2018). The cost of believing emotions are uncontrollable: Youths’ beliefs about emotion predict emotion regulation and depressive symptoms. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 147(8), 1170-1190.
- Moran, K. M., Turiano, N., & Gentzler, A. L. (2018). Parental warmth predicts coping and well-being in adulthood. Journal of Family Psychology, 32, 610-621.
- Quetsch, L. B., Wallace, N. M., McNeil, C. B., & Gentzler, A. L. (2018). Emotion regulation in families of children with behavioral problems and nonclinical comparison families. Journal of Child & Families Studies, 27(8), 2467-2480.
- Gentzler, A. L., Palmer, C. A., Yi, C. Y., Root, A. E., & Moran, K. M. (2018). Mothers’ ideal affect predicts their socialization of children’s positive affect. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 79(2), 90-101. PDF
- Palmer, C. A., & Gentzler, A. L. (2017). Adults’ self-reported attachment influences their savoring ability. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 13, 290-300.
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- Morey, J. N. & Gentzler, A. L. (2017). Parents’ perceptions of and responses to children’s emotions: Relations with meta-emotion philosophy and adult attachment. Parenting: Science and Practice, 17(2), 73-102. PDF
- Blank, M. D., Ferris, K. A., Metzger, A., Gentzler, A. L., Duncan, C., Jarrett, T., & Dino, G. (2017). Physical activity and quit motivation moderators of adolescent smoking reduction. American Journal of Health Behavior, 41(4), 419-427.
- Palmer, C. A., Ramsey, M. A., Morey, J. N., & Gentzler, A. L. (2016). How do people share positive events? Individual differences in capitalizing, bragging, and mass-sharing. Journal of Individual Differences, 37(4), 250-259.
- Graf, A. S., Ramsey, M. A., Patrick, J. H., & Gentzler, A. L. (2016). Dark storm clouds and rays of sunshine: The influence of episodic rumination and savoring on the relation between hassles, uplifts, and affect. Journal of Happiness Studies, 17, 2257-2276.
- Yi, C. Y., Gentzler, A. L., Ramsey, M. A., & Root, A. E. (2016). Linking maternal socialization of positive emotions to children’s behavioral problems: The moderating role of self-control. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 25(5), 1550-1558.
- Yi, C. Y., Murry, M. M. W., & Gentzler, A. L. (2016). Perception of emotion expressions in adults: The role of temperament and mood. Journal of Individual Differences, 27, 16-23.
- Gentzler, A. L., Palmer, C. A., & Ramsey, M. A. (2016). Savoring with intent: Investigating types of and motives for responses to positive events. Journal of Happiness Studies, 17(3), 937-958.
- Ramsey, M. A., Oberhauser, A. M., & Gentzler, A. L. (2016). College students’ use of communication technology with parents: Influences of distance, social presence, and gender. In G. Riva, B. K. Wiederhold, & P. Cipresso (Eds.) The Psychology of Social Networking: Communication, Presence, Identity and Relationships in Online Communities, Volume 2 (pp. 128-140). Warsaw: DeGruyter Open Ltd.
- Gentzler, A. L., Ramsey, M. A., & Black, K. R. (2015). Mothers’ attachment styles, and their children’s self-reported security, as related to maternal socialization of children’s positive affect regulation. Attachment and Human Development, 17(4), 376-398. PDF
- Ramsey, M. A. & Gentzler, A. L. (2015). An upward spiral: Bidirectional associations between positive affect and positive close relationships across the life span. Developmental Review, 36, 58-104. PDF
- Wallace, N. M., Quetsch, L. B., Robinson, C., Gentzler, A. L., & McNeil, C. B. (2015). Emotion regulation difficulties in caregivers and children: Transmission, influences and implications for parent-training treatment approaches. Psychology of Impulsivity: Advances in Psychology Research (pp. 27-46). NY: Nova Science Publishers.
- Gentzler, A. L., Ramsey, M. A., Yi, C. Y., Palmer, C., & Morey, J. (2014). Young adolescents’ emotional and regulatory responses to positive events: Investigating temperament, attachment, and event characteristics. Journal of Positive Psychology, 9(2), 108-121. PDF
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- Gentzler, A. L., Wheat, A. L., Palmer, C. A., & Burwell, R. A. (2013). Children’s responses to cognitive challenge and links to self-reported rumination. Cognition and Emotion, 27(2), 305-317. PDF
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- Gentzler, A. L., Rottenberg, J., Kovacs, M., George, C. J., & Morey, J. (2012). Atypical development of resting respiratory sinus arrhythmia in children at high risk for depression. Developmental Psychobiology, 54(5), 556–567. PDF
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- Gentzler, A. L., Santucci, A. K., Kovacs, M., & Fox, N. A. (2009). Respiratory sinus arrhythmia reactivity predicts emotion regulation and depressive symptoms in at-risk and control children. Biological Psychology, 82, 156-163. PDF
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- Kapornai, K., Gentzler, A. L., Tepper, P. G., Kiss, E, Tamas, Z., Meyer, L., Kovacs, M., Vetró, Á. (2007). Early developmental characteristics and features of Major Depressive Disorder among child psychiatric patients in Hungary. Journal of Affective Disorders, 100, 91-101.
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- Contreras, J. M., Kerns, K. A., Weimer, B. L., Gentzler, A. L., & Tomich, P. L. (2000). Emotion regulation as a mediator of associations between mother-child attachment and peer relationships in middle childhood. Journal of Family Psychology, 14(1), 111-124. PDF
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